I’m back – and I’m excited about INSIDE-SQL!

Hi everyone,

Well – I’m back from my sabbatical. I climbed mountains on three continents. Saw whales in California, condors in Peru, and, erm… sheep in Scotland. I did all that self-discovery stuff you see in films with Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts. Now I’m firming up my speaking engagements for the summer.


First up is INSIDE-SQL in London. This conference has a, frankly, ridiculous speaker line-up, almost entirely made up of MVPs. If I’m honest, I’ve no idea how I managed to get accepted. There are three tracks: DEV, DBA and BI-AZURE with evening sessions going well into the night.

The concept for this conference is to have longer, 90 minute, ‘deep-dive’ sessions. The idea is that at most UK events there are a large number of beginner and intermediate sessions so at INSIDE-SQL the aim is to focus on advanced, level 300-500 content. If this is the sort of content you are looking for this event could be perfect for you.

I’ll be talking about getting release management right for SQL Server and how to apply DevOps concepts to persistent databases to help you deliver updates more frequently and reliably. I’ll discuss various different approaches and their relative pros and cons as well as explaining how all the bits and pieces fit together. It can be daunting when you first start trying to figure out how to plug the various systems together and keeping up with all the Microsoft, open-source and third party technologies involved. Hopefully I’ll be able to help you figure it all out.

Also, given that INSIDE-SQL is the first major SQL event in London after the SQL Server 2016 release on June 1st they’ll be setting up a SQL Server 2016 learning zone with a demo area and tonnes of information so it’ll be a great chance to speak to some Microsoft people to get yourself up to date.

Other stuff

I’ve got a few other engagements in the works, in some pretty exciting locations, but I can’t talk about those just yet.

In the meantime, if you are in London on 14th June and you want to come and talk SQL Server or release management with me, the other speakers, or the rest of the community, get your boss to buy you a ticket! 🙂

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