Database drift, cheese graters and Elton John

I sang another song. I’m not very good at singing. Or playing the piano. If I’m honest, you probably shouldn’t watch it.


The song itself starts at 3 minutes and 10 seconds. Before that is a three minute lightning talk that provides some context. I apologise that the audio for the lightning talk is pretty poor – it’s fine for the song itself.

This lightning talk was one of three lightning talks for the Guerrilla Lightning talks on July 27th 2016. The Guerrilla Lightning talks are a fun new format designed to get new speakers speaking. I’ll share a link to the full recording once it’s uploaded by the team.

If you’d like to watch a few lightning talks about SQL Server once a month at lunch time look for the #SQLRelay #GuerrillaTalks.

If you would like to get into speaking send Mark Pryce-Maher a tweet to start the conversation.

If people are changing your SQL Server database and you’d like to find out who they are check out DLM Dashboard.

If you’d like to do business with me, check out DLM Consultants. Our mission is that our clients’ databases are not their bottlenecks on delivering customer value. That includes dealing with database drift, version control and deployment.

(…and company culture.)



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