
“DevOps teams”

Redgate has a DevOps team. They do a good job. For the record, Redgate is not the company that inspired this blog post. The company that did shall remain nameless. I don’t have a problem with “DevOps teams” or “DevOps engineers”… as long as they are evangelists – and not button pushers, build masters or release engineers with added buzzwords.…

The technical debt singularity

As always, Wikipedia does a pretty good job of defining well established ideas and the hypothesis of the technological singularity is no different: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity While the term ‘technological singularity’ is credited to Von Neumann in 1958, my favourite definition of the singularity (for the purposes of this blog post and despite the fact he never actually used the word) was…

Tech coffee: A successful protocol for data transfer between human brains

This week Sean Newham (@SeanNewham) and I are visiting a company called Farm Credit Services of America. Last night a bunch of them, including John Morehouse (@SqlrUs), their production DBA, took us out to dinner and we were discussing how DBAs and developers should be better at working together. They play different but important roles and both are necessary in…

Liveblogging from Agile on the Beach

Please excuse typo’s, grammatical errors, poor style/structure and general rough-ness. I’m continuously deploying my updates to live whilst attending sessions at Agile on the Beach… I’ve tried to record the sessions accurately, without personal embellishment. Be warned: This post is very long. You should use the links below to click ahead to my notes on the sessions that sound interesting…