
Liveblogging from Jenkins User Conference 2015 Day 2

The following is likely to have typos, mistakes and poor writing. I’m liveblogging from the Jenkins User Conference in London. Quick links: DevOps and why 50 Production Deploys Per Day is Essential: Martin Croker @martincroker and Markus Rendall @markusrendall Conversation with Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins, about continuous delivery for databases From virtual machines to containers: Achieving Continuous Integration, Build…

Liveblogging from Jenkins User Conference 2015 Day 1

The following is likely to have typos, mistakes and poor writing. I’m liveblogging from the Jenkins User Conference in London. Quick links: Welcome and Introductions: Harpreet Singh @singh_harpreet Keynote Address: Kohsuke Kawaguchi @kohsukekawa An integrated Deployment Pipeline with Jenkins and CloudFoundry: Sufyaan Kazi @sufyaan_kazi How to optimize Automated Testing with Everyone’s Favourite Butler: Viktor Clerc @viktorclerc Continuous Delivery @cloud-scale: Harpreet…

Database CI with Jenkins: A step by step tutorial

Edit: Originally written in Oct 2013, this post was updated in Nov 2016 due to software updates from Redgate. While Continuous Integration (CI) started with application code you should apply the same principles to databases. The point is that CI reduces your feedback loop such that changes that break the build are caught as soon as they are committed to source…