Monthly Archives: December 2017

My SMART objectives for 2018

Two years ago I wrote about why new year’s resolutions suck and why set myself some SMART objectives for 2016 instead. SMART objectives have the following five attributes: S pecifc M easurable A ttainable R ealistic T ime-related I’ve used SMART objectives in business because they are good for motivation and accountability. Most new year’s resolutions are broken because they fail to possess some of these attributes.…

DevOps, Culture and Trust

The slide above is from my DevOps 101 session. Sometimes people need reminding. DevOps is about five things: C – ulture a – utomation l – ean m – etrics s – haring First, and with a capital letter, comes Culture. Let’s talk about why. Dysfunctional teams As a consultant, the engagements I find frustrating are where a customer asks…

Doing the right thing

I enjoyed solving problems and helping people achieve great things. I got a lot of scope to achieve this in my role because our software was pretty awesome – but at the end of the day the measure of my success was how many licences I could help to sell. I wanted the measure of my success to be how…